Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Lit Review 2

Lit Review 2

This author is a PhD student at virginia tech studying alcohol and drug use, culture, and social theory.

Byrd, Kaitland M. "Binge Drinking in and out of College: An Examination of Social Control and Differential Association on Binge Drinking Behaviors between College Students and Their Non-college Peers." Sociological Spectrum 36.4 (2016): 191-207. Taylor and Francis Online. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

This article compares the difference between drinking amongst people of the same age range. The only difference between people of the age range is whether or not they went to college or if they did not go to college. It is found that the kids that attend college have a higher consumption of alcohol. The study found that peer behavior had a huge impact on both non college and college students. The study also found that there is a difference in drinking behavior between the non college students and the college students

Social Control- This idea is talked about a lot within this article and it pertains to how social norms control how people behave. It also suggests that we as humans have a deviant personality naturally and that we do not engage in the deviant personality because of society

Differential Association: This idea pertains mostly to how peers can influence a decision made. Specifically, they talk about how peers can influence individuals to behave like a deviant and do bad things and make irresponsible decisions.

These concepts will help my research because it helps me see the issue at large through different perspectives. Specifically looking at how non college students drink and how peers influence each other to drink heavy/ binge drink. This will help me tie in the idea of the film industry portraying drinking in college and the influence of friends with drinking.


“The differences in the overall drinking behaviors of college students and their non-college peers supports the hypothesis that college students will drink more and the combination of social control and differential association can explain more of the variance in the behavior of college students.”(203)

“Amount of time spent at school did not affect the drinking behavior of college students.” (204)

“Eliminating binge drinking on college campuses does not seem feasible because excessive alcohol use occurs throughout the 18- to 22-year-old population, both on and off campus. Instead colleges should focus efforts on educating students about safe drinking practices such as drinking water while drinking alcohol, having a designated driver, and limiting the overall number of drinks that are consumed in one sitting. “ (205)

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